Extraordinary Women Series : 2019 Inspiration for Women of Lost Fame
As I moved into finishing the third collection in the Extraordinary Women Series: Women of Lost Fame, I came to a revelation about all these women that almost seemed like an awakening to me. Doh-why didn't I make this connection earlier? Epiphanies are not light switches I guess.
As I drilled down deeper into the memorable excerpts of their extraordinary lives, I realized that they all started as unknowing innocents-as we all do. They came to what was to be the campaign of their lives through stresses of ordinary life using the exact same traits that drive each of us to do what we do.
Every single Extraordinary Woman whose life story I have chosen to tell through jewelry design, barring none, had pieces in her story that I recognized in my own life.
Women of Lost Fame
I've been driven by necessity like Rosalind Franklin and compelled by curiosity like Jocelyn Bell Burnell. I've craved inventive novelty like Tabitha Babbit and was guided by moral beliefs like Anna Hedgeman. I've fought furiously to protect what I loved, just like Margaret Keane.
I've been purposeful about their discovery and the truths their lives have to tell. Not just through recognition of what they accomplished but the nuances of getting to know who they were, how they felt, what they thought. Their lives resonate so deeply within me that I wanted to keep some piece of each and show it off on a T shirt or something. Like saying “A woman did this, so lets all own it!”
Whether these are aspects of human nature that are inborn and universal or fragments of traits that are specific to my gender, I have no clue. What I do feel sure of is that I share many of their experiences. They Are Me. (Another T shirt ie: Rosie the Riveter-look her up youngsta)
We recognize the tales of their lives because they are our tales. The Women of Lost Fame collection declares that their greatness is our greatness and we are all extraordinary as well.